DARTCOM GEOSTATIONARY INGESTER RELEASE NOTES (August 15th, 2024) This file documents new features, changes and bug fixes up to the current release of the Dartcom Geostationary Ingester software. The history is listed in reverse chronological order, with the most recent version at the top. If you discover any further bugs or have suggestions for changes or new features, please report them to the following address: bugs@dartcom.co.uk VERSION 6.2n Support has been added in the EUMETCast Other ingester for new types of data recently made available on the EUMETCast service. Issues with scroll bars on image previews not always appearing and disappearing when they should have been fixed. Various other minor changes and bug fixes. VERSION 6.2m Changing the "delete after days" setting for lightning database outputs had no effect. This has been fixed. VERSION 6.2k Support has been added in the EUMETCast Other ingester for new types of data recently made available on the EUMETCast service. The Visual C++ runtime has been updated to the latest version (14.40.33807). An issue with GK-2A LRIT and HRIT image segment times not being recognised correctly has been fixed. Various other minor changes and bug fixes. VERSION 6.2g The Visual C++ runtime has been updated to the latest version (14.38.33130). Various minor changes and bug fixes. VERSION 6.2e Support has been added for Meteosat Third Generation (MTG) Lightning Imager (LI) data in the form of an additional ingester tab. Lightning flashes can be output to an SQLite database used by iDAP/MacroPro, and all lightning data to binary formats. Support has been added for outputting GOES Geostationary Lightning Mapper (GLM) lightning flashes to an SQLite database used by iDAP/MacroPro, and all lightning data to binary formats. The MTG FCI ingester has been tested with live pre-operational data and all identified issues have been fixed. Various other minor changes and bug fixes. VERSION 6.1h The "Other" file type has been added to the "Archive processed files" facility in the GK-2A LRIT and HRIT ingesters. An issue with GK-2A LRIT and HRIT image data not being recognised has been fixed. VERSION 6.1g Various minor changes and bug fixes. VERSION 6.1f The software has been renamed from XRIT Ingester to Geostationary Ingester to reflect the breadth of services it now supports. The names of the folders used for program files, temporary files and application data files, together with the name of the executable file itself, have also changed from "XRIT Ingester" to "Geostationary Ingester". The host PC's anti-virus exclusions will therefore need updating accordingly, together with any shortcuts, pinned start menu and task bar icons, and startup programs. A knowledge base article has been posted with step-by-step instructions for making the necessary changes: https://support.dartcom.co.uk/knowledgeBase/21592071 The base Registry key has also been renamed from "XRIT Ingester" to "Geostationary Ingester". Migration of the old key is done automatically by Geostationary Ingester. Support has been added for Meteosat Third Generation (MTG) Flexible Combined Imager (FCI) data in the form of an additional ingester tab. Level 1c (L1c) images can be output to iDAP/MacroPro, PCI Geomatica, ERDAS IMAGINE, ENVI/IDL, GeoTIFF, PGM and binary formats. Support has been added in the EUMETCast Other ingester for new types of data recently made available on the EUMETCast service. The majority of windows can now be resized in the normal way rather than being a fixed size. The positions and sizes of all windows are now remembered between sessions. The byte order for PGM outputs is now selectable. The maximum grey value in the header of PGM files is now set to match the actual bit depth of the data (e.g. 4095 for 12-bit data). Previously it was set to 65535 for 16-bit files and 255 for 8-bit files. Note that due to a requirement of the PGM format it will be set to 256 for 16-bit files containing data with a bit depth of 8 or less. The included ZLib compression library has been updated to version 1.2.3. The included LibBZip2 compression library has been updated to version 1.0.8. The included LibPNG library has been updated to version 1.6.40. The included LibTIFF library has been updated to version 4.5.0. The included LibGeoTIFF library has been updated to version 1.3.0. The included GIFLib library has been updated to version 5.2.1. The included OpenJPEG library has been updated to version 2.5.0. The previous JPEG library has been replaced with LibJPEG-Turbo version 3.0.0 with added support for 10-bit lossless JPEG files. The included HDF5 library has been updated to version 1.10.10 to match the requirements of the EUMETSAT MTG FCI decompression software. The included NetCDF library has been updated to version 4.8.1 to match the requirements of the EUMETSAT MTG FCI decompression software. Various other minor changes and bug fixes. VERSION 6.0g The Del key can now be used as a shortcut to delete items from list and tree boxes throughout the software. Various other minor changes and bug fixes. VERSION 6.0f An issue with map overlay creation on systems with a high-DPI primary display has been fixed. VERSION 6.0e To fix user interface layout issues, high-DPI display modes in Windows are now ignored. Various other minor changes and bug fixes. VERSION 6.0d The Visual C++ runtime has been updated to the latest version (14.36.32532). Various other minor changes and bug fixes. VERSION 6.0c The iDAP image outputs have been updated to support file format version 30 used by iDAP/MacroPro version 11.0. Please install the latest iDAP/MacroPro update to open images they produce. In the Output tab for each ingester, you can now right-click formats and outputs to display a context-sensitive menu of tasks. The Save icons in windows such as the Map options manager are now highlighted when there are unsaved changes to indicate they need saving. The Visual C++ runtime has been updated to the latest version (14.34.31938). The Dartcom USB drivers have been updated for compatibility with Windows 10 and 11 version 22H2. Some very long, straight lines (such as the USA/Canada border) may not have been shown correctly on map overlays, or may have been missing altogether if they were not entirely visible. This has been fixed. Some segments of the borders around Pacific Ocean islands in the GSHHG borders, L3 marine overlay were missing. These have now been added. Please download and install the latest Map overlays update (April 2023) to install the corrected version. Various other minor changes and bug fixes. VERSION 5.14e GK-2A LRIT reception using the Orbital Systems D-300 demodulator did not work. This has been fixed. VERSION 5.14d The EUMETCast LRIT ingester is now hidden by default as the data it handles is no longer transmitted on EUMETCast. MPEF products and DCP data are now transmitted in different formats that are handled by the EUMETCast Other ingester. The software is now built with Microsoft Visual C++ 2022 and the Visual C++ runtime has been updated to the latest version (14.34.31931). The software is now built with Windows SDK version 10.0.22621 which supports Windows 11 22H2 and all prior versions of Windows 10 and 11. Various other minor changes and bug fixes. VERSION 5.13b Various minor changes. VERSION 5.13a Support has been added for the revised EUMETCast MPEF products (see https://www.eumetsat.int/change-file-formats-meteosat-meteorological-products). Windows 11 is now fully supported. Various other minor changes and bug fixes. VERSION 5.12w Various minor changes and bug fixes. VERSION 5.12r Various minor changes. VERSION 5.12p Since version 5.12n certain controls on the Reception tab weren't visible in some ingesters. This has been fixed. VERSION 5.12n The USB serial port drivers have been updated to add support for additional devices. A random crash problem that affected some systems since version 5.12d has been fixed. Various other minor changes and bug fixes. VERSION 5.12k Support has been added in the EUMETCast Other ingester for new types of data scheduled to be available on the EUMETCast service. Various other minor changes and bug fixes. VERSION 5.12f Support has been added in the EUMETCast Other ingester for new types of data recently made available on the EUMETCast service. The high bit rate Himawari-8 IR4 product transmitted on EUMETCast now has the correct data precision (14-bit instead of 10-bit). Various other minor changes and bug fixes. VERSION 5.12d Support has been added in the EUMETCast Other ingester for new types of data recently made available on the EUMETCast service. Expanded diagnostics information for data sources is now provided in log files to assist with troubleshooting. When starting the software, you can now reset the persistent window positions by holding down the Shift key until the main window appears. This is useful in a multiple display setup where displays have been rearranged and some windows end up positioned completely outside them. The Microsoft Visual C++ 2019 runtime has been updated to the latest version (14.29.30139.0). The Dartcom USB drivers have been updated for compatibility with Windows 10 version 21H2. Numerous other minor changes and bug fixes. VERSION 5.11h Support has been added for additional types of downconverter. Support has been added in the EUMETCast Other ingester for new types of data recently made available on the EUMETCast service. Layer parameters have been optimised to improve performance and reduce overheads, especially EUMETCast ingesters. Optimisations have been made to TCP/IP and UDP/IP data sources to improve performance and reduce overheads. Frame synchronisation now times out after 5 seconds if no data is received from a data source. Truncated GIF products (due to signal degradation, for example) may have caused an ingester to get stuck in an endless loop. This has been fixed. The Microsoft Visual C++ 2019 runtime has been updated to the latest version (14.29.30135.0). Various other minor changes and bug fixes. VERSION 5.10d The path selection window now includes a new network enumerator that uses the Windows Shell API instead of the Windows Networking API which relied on SMB v1 being enabled. Support has been added in the EUMETCast Other ingester for new types of data recently made available on the EUMETCast service. A memory leak that could occur when decompressing corrupted BZip2 or GZip files has been fixed. A memory leak that could occur when attempting to decode unsupported types of TIFF file has been fixed. Various other minor changes and bug fixes. VERSION 5.10c Support has been added for additional types of receiver and downconverter. Support has been added in the EUMETCast Other ingester for new types of data recently made available on the EUMETCast service. Due to the use of new Windows APIs present only in Windows 8 onwards, Windows 7 is no longer supported. The Microsoft Visual C++ 2019 runtime has been updated to the latest version (14.28.29914.0). The Dartcom USB drivers have been updated for compatibility with Windows 10 version 2009. Various other minor changes and bug fixes. VERSION 5.9h Under certain conditions, parts of the XRIT Ingester user interface wouldn't always redraw properly. This has been fixed. The Rainfall Estimate products on the EUMETCast SAF service (https://navigator.eumetsat.int/product/EO:EUM:DAT:MSG:RFE) weren't being recognised correctly. This has been fixed. The Microsoft Visual C++ 2019 runtime has been updated to the latest version (14.28.29334.0). Various other minor changes and bug fixes. VERSION 5.9f Antarctica was missing from the new default overlays, and also from the image preview overlays, and has been added to both. If you use the default overlays for outputs, after updating reset your overlay settings to defaults to include the Antarctica overlay. The GSHHG Antarctica overlays had spurious lines where they spanned the 0 degree and 180 degree longitude lines. These have been fixed in the associated Map Overlays Update (December 2020). Various other minor changes and bug fixes. VERSION 5.9c The separate map overlays update must also be installed when upgrading from version 5.8i or older. This provides new, up-to-date, high-resolution overlays created from the GSHHG data set and broken down into coastlines, lakes and lake islands. Image previews will automatically use the new overlays, but to ensure continuity existing iDAP image outputs won't. The quickest way to make existing outputs use the new overlays is to change the default overlays by selecting iDAP image in the Output tab, then click Settings, then Map overlays. To replace the existing overlays with the new standard set (green coastlines and lake islands, blue lakes, red political boundaries) click Reset to defaults. Alternatively, select appropriate GSHHG overlays to replace your existing World overlays. After configuring the default overlays, follow the instructions below to make outputs use the default overlays rather than custom overlays. iDAP image outputs now have an option to use the default map overlays (configured by selecting iDAP image and clicking Settings... in the Output tab) or custom overlays specific to each output. To ensure continuity, existing outputs will have the Custom overlays option selected after installing this version. It's therefore necessary to edit each output and select the Default overlays option where required. Map overlays created by this version will have smoother lines with fewer points, improving their appearance and drawing speed. Recompiled using Microsoft Visual Studio 2019 with the latest Windows 10 SDK. The overlay selection drop-lists in the Overlay settings windows didn't have vertical scroll bars, and deleting an overlay didn't always work correctly. These issues have been fixed, and the drop-lists are also now wider to accommodate longer overlay names. Various other minor changes and bug fixes. VERSION 5.8i A GK-2A UHRIT ingester has been added to support the Ultra-HRIT service from GEO-KOMPSAT-2A. A suitable antenna and demodulator are required - please contact Dartcom for more information. Support has been added in the EUMETCast Other ingester for new types of data recently made available on the EUMETCast service. The COMS LRIT and COMS HRIT ingesters have been removed as the COMS-1 satellite has now been officially retired after being replaced by GEO-KOMPSAT-2A in 2019. An issue with the first-run default paths being incorrect or empty has been fixed. The Dartcom USB drivers have been updated for compatibility with Windows 10 version 2004. Various other minor changes and bug fixes. VERSION 5.7e An issue with the software housekeeping routines not running under certain circumstances has been fixed. VERSION 5.7d Support has been added in the EUMETCast Other ingester for new types of data recently made available on the EUMETCast service. The concept of an "ingest device" has been renamed to a "data source" as part of broadening the types of data stream supported by direct broadcast ingesters. Support for TCP/IP data sources (client and server) has been added to direct broadcast ingesters. Support for UDP/IP data sources (unicast and multicast) has been added to direct broadcast ingesters. A firmware upgrade is available for LRD-100 receivers which adds a GK-2A LRIT mode. Please contact us for more information on how to perform the upgrade. Support has been added to XRIT Ingester for this new mode. Various other minor changes and bug fixes. VERSION 5.6a For direct broadcast ingesters such as GOES HRIT and GK-2A LRIT, the type of ingest device can now be selected. The Quorum LRD-200B receiver USB interface is now supported as an ingest device. Various other minor changes and bug fixes. VERSION 5.5b The EUMETCast Other ingester has been completely overhauled. It now processes and recognises all data available on the EUMETCast Europe and EUMETCast Africa services that is not processed by other ingesters. As a consequence, the classification structure has changed significantly, affecting filtering, outputs and the tree of available data. Certain obsolete filters for the EUMETCast Other ingester are therefore automatically removed by the update installer. Any outputs added to the EUMETCast Other ingester may need their Service, Data type and Product settings adjusting to use the new classification structure. The exception is GOES ABI level 1b data which is unaffected by these changes. The EUMETSAT Product Navigator is helpful when attempting to identify EUMETCast products and their uses. As a consequence of the above changes, the EUMETSAT Tellicast Client software should now be set up so that all data is routed into one folder rather than separate folders for each service (basic, high volume 1, high volume 2). All ingesters can then be set up to look for data in that folder, and will only process the files that are relevant to them. Data from the EUMETCast Basic Meteorological Data (BMD) service is now processed by the EUMETCast Other ingester, including output of raster graphic charts to iDAP. Data from the EUMETSAT UNS (user notification service) is now processed correctly, with the Alert and Weekly Operation Schedule notifications handled by the EUMETCast Other ingester, and the Daily Logs by their corresponding ingesters. Various other minor changes and bug fixes. VERSION 5.4d Support has been added for the improved accuracy navigation parameters due to be added to GOES HRIT products in March 2020, and the ACHA product available since late January 2020. As a side-effect, outputs with selected areas will need the areas re-selecting due to differences in the grid co-ordinate system between the old and new navigation types. We recommend making a note of the selected area parameters before upgrading so they can be re-entered afterwards. The GOES ABI Level 2+ products shortly to be added to the EUMETCast service are now recognised correctly. However due to their format they cannot currently be output to iDAP images. The Dartcom USB drivers have been updated for compatibility with Windows 10 version 1909. Various other minor changes and bug fixes. VERSION 5.3m The Dartcom USB drivers have been updated for compatibility with Windows 10 version 1903. Various minor changes and bug fixes. VERSION 5.3j GK-2A LRIT and HRIT ingesters have been added to support the new services that have replaced COMS-1 LRIT/HRIT since July 25th, 2019. You will need to import your COMS-1 decryption keys using the Decryption settings... button in the Decryption & decompression tab of each GK-2A ingester. Support has been added for GOES HRIT level 2+ products that have been available since July 25th, 2019. Due to them being single-plane greyscale images, they do not have associated colour palettes. However, Dartcom has created a range of formula palettes (having names starting with "GOES HRIT") that can be applied using Processing > Formula Palette... in iDAP or the Create Palette operation in MacroPro to restore the missing colours. Support has been added for the NWC data transmitted in netCDF format on the EUMETCast SAF service since June 18th, 2019. The delete icon used in various windows has been changed from a cross to a dustbin. The PCI Geomatica, ERDAS IMAGINE, ENVI/IDL and GeoTIFF outputs had not worked correctly since version 5.0 - all the raw and calibrated planes contained the same data. This issue has now been fixed. The ERDAS IMAGINE output did not work if additional data was selected without also selecting calibrated data. This problem has now been fixed. A crash problem with the PGM output when the ENVI/IDL header option was selected has been fixed. Various other minor changes and bug fixes. VERSION 5.2i Colour selectors now have a new look that fully utilises Windows themes. Support for the new COMS LRIT (64kbps) mode in the Quorum LRD-200B receiver has been added. Your receiver will require a firmware update to enable the new mode. If a text file is found to contain null characters (ASCII 0) and is therefore likely to be binary data, a preview will not now be generated and it will no longer be output by the Email output. A crash problem when decompressing corrupted GOES EMWIN graphic products has been fixed. Various other minor changes and bug fixes. VERSION 5.2f Various minor changes and bug fixes. VERSION 5.2d Various minor changes and bug fixes. VERSION 5.1h The icons in path selection windows now match those in the Windows version on which the software is running. The Dartcom USB drivers have been updated for compatibility with Windows 10 version 1809. The COMS-LRIT data rate setting has been changed to 64kbps following the reduction in the satellite data rate from 256kbps on February 20th, 2019. A crash problem when processing corrupted PNG files has been fixed. Various other minor changes. VERSION 5.0h iDAP image and iDAP chart outputs now produce the new iDAP file format (see the release notes for iDAP/MacroPro). This has reduced the amount of memory used by XRIT Ingester while producing these outputs, at the expense of increased use of temporary storage. There is also now no limit on the size of iDAP images. Multi-plane image files will use about 33% more storage than the old file format. The GOES-15 GVAR images in NetCDF format available on EUMETCast are now recognised and processed. However, due to their short-term availability, support has not been added for producing iDAP image outputs from them. Issues with gradually increasing memory usage over time when producing iDAP images from GOES ABI level 1b data have been fixed. Various other minor changes and bug fixes. VERSION 4.6j The HSAF products on the EUMETCast SAF service should now all be recognised correctly. A crash problem when processing zero length GIF files has been fixed. Various other minor changes and bug fixes. VERSION 4.6h The Dartcom USB drivers have been updated to fully support the latest Windows 10 updates. Initial support has been added for GOES HRIT level 2+ products, however this may need to be revised as a full range of test data is not yet available. A crash problem when processing GOES HRIT level 2+ JPEG products has been fixed. The GOES HRIT ingester now differentiates between the two possible regions of mesoscale products, naming them "Meso 1" and "Meso 2" instead of just "meso". Any outputs set up for mesoscale products therefore need to be adjusted to use the new product names, together with any macros set up in MacroPro. Various other minor changes, bug fixes and enhancements. VERSION 4.5a The EUMETCast Other ingester now supports the GOES ABI level 1b service, allowing NetCDF files to be output as-is, or as single plane or multi-plane iDAP images. This provides a replacement for the GOES-13 LRIT images that used to be available on EUMETCast and MSG direct broadcast until GOES-13 was replaced by GOES-16 as the operational GOES East satellite. The Sub-sample area of the iDAP image output settings and PGM file output settings windows have been slightly redesigned to improve usability and accommodate a warning if the resulting image would exceed limits. XRIT Ingester can now use up to 3GB of RAM on 32-bit Windows, and up to 4GB on 64-bit Windows. This should allow simultaneous ingest of many different services without memory limits being reached. The positions and sizes of the main application window and pop-up status windows are now remembered between sessions. The EUMETCast Other ingester now correctly recognises CM (Climate Monitoring) SAF products. The GOES HRIT ingester now correctly identifies EMWIN chart products when output to iDAP - previously they were labelled "unknown satellite" and "unknown type". The EUMETCast LRIT, EUMETCast HRIT and MSG LRIT ingesters now correctly identify MSG-4 (METEOSAT 11) products when output to iDAP - previously they were labelled "unknown satellite". A small number of uncorrectable R-S errors no longer occur when the Apply button is clicked after changing settings during ingest in the GOES HRIT ingester with the Dartcom USB LRIT receiver. When changing the service and sub-type for an existing output, the product box went blank if had not been received on the originally selected service and sub-type. This has been fixed. Various other minor changes and bug fixes. VERSION 4.3i The format of NWS chart products on the GOES HRIT service changed without warning in early January. This caused XRIT Ingester to interpret their date and time incorrectly. The software has now been altered to use the new date and time format only. Unfortunately it was not possible to also support the old format, so archived NWS chart data will not be able to be reprocessed or imported into iDAP successfully (the date and time will be incorrect). The EUMETCast SAF ingester has been renamed EUMETCast Other in readiness for supporting additional types of data now available on EUMETCast, e.g. GOES ABI level 1b. VERSION 4.3h The GIF decoder library has been replaced with a more up-to-date alternative to prevent software crashes caused by corrupted GIF files received on the GOES HRIT service. Various other minor changes and bug fixes. VERSION 4.3g A small change has been made to the product naming for GOES HRIT/EMWIN data. Various other minor changes and bug fixes. VERSION 4.3b The Decryption & Decompression tab has been re-arranged to make space for a new option to extract the data from ingested files and archive it in a folder. This is intended for feeding data to third-party software, e.g. EMWIN processing software with the new GOES HRIT/EMWIN service. The Wavelet decompression library has been updated to the latest version. Various other minor changes, bug fixes and enhancements. VERSION 4.2c Minor changes, bug fixes and enhancements. VERSION 4.1n The format of iDAP/MacroPro files (.did/.dmd) has changed slightly and the version number has therefore been increased to 24. Please ensure all other Dartcom software is updated to use the same file format version. The supported version is shown in the About window (Help > About). A GOES HRIT ingester has been added to support the new GOES-16 (GOES-R) HRIT service. However at the time of writing the satellite is only transmitting test data, so further updates may be needed once live data transmissions have started. Situations where the same file with the same name is received more than once are now handled correctly. The "iDAP chart" output settings window now shows a preview of the selected product. The "EMWIN serial" and "EMWIN TCP/IP" outputs have been renamed to just "Serial" and "TCP/IP" and added for alpha-numeric text data in all ingesters. A "Raw file" output has been added for GOES LRIT DCS data and various other types of data, including alpha-numeric text. Various other minor changes and bug fixes. VERSION 4.0k An issue with iDAP and PGM outputs for Himawari data from EUMETCast where the actual area output did not always correspond to the selected area has been fixed. Issues with files produced by GeoTIFF outputs not being recognised by some third-party software packages have hopefully been resolved. The format of iDAP/MacroPro files (.did/.dmd/.dfd) has changed slightly and the version number has therefore been increased to 23. Please ensure all other Dartcom software is updated to use the same file format version. The supported version is shown in the About window (Help > About). The Windows SDK has been updated to version 8.1 which supports Windows 7, 8 and 10. Earlier Windows versions (including XP and Vista) are no longer supported. The Dartcom USB drivers have been updated to fully support Windows 10. Third-party libraries have been updated to their latest available versions. Various other minor changes and bug fixes. VERSION 3.3b Problems with overlay misalignment on very large images have been fixed. To correct the overlays on existing images, open them in iDAP, go to Navigation > Overlay Settings... and click OK. This causes the overlays to be redrawn with correct alignment. Various other minor changes and bug fixes. VERSION 3.3a Support for Himawari data transmitted on the EUMETCast service has been added to the HimawariCast HRIT ingester. Various other minor changes and bug fixes. VERSION 3.2b Ingesters for HimawariCast LRIT and HRIT data have been added. Various other changes and bug fixes. VERSION 3.1n Further additional SAF products transmitted on the EUMETCAST service are now recognised and processed by the EUMETCAST SAF ingester. Changes to ingester settings were still not always taking effect if the PC time had changed after clicking Apply Settings - this has been fixed again. Various other minor changes and bug fixes. VERSION 3.1k An issue with overlays not lining up correctly on iDAP image outputs produced from MTP images received from EUMETCast or MSG direct broadcast has been fixed. Various other minor changes and bug fixes. The .exe file is now digitally signed with Dartcom's code signing certificate. VERSION 3.1h Additional SAF products transmitted on the EUMETCAST service are now recognised and processed by the EUMETCAST SAF ingester. Various other minor changes and bug fixes. VERSION 3.1f To fix an issue with map overlays not aligning with reference points in iDAP at high zoom levels, overlays are now created at a slightly higher resolution, requiring slightly more disk space as a result. VERSIOn 3.1e Changes to ingester settings were not always taking effect if the PC time had changed after clicking Apply Settings - this has been fixed. Various other minor bug fixes. VERSION 3.1c The format of iDAP/MacroPro files (.did/.dmd/.dfd) has changed slightly and the version number has therefore been increased to 22. Please ensure all other Dartcom software is updated to use the same file format version. The supported version is shown in the About window (Help > About). The online help is now fully up-to-date. Various minor changes and bug fixes. VERSION 3.0r The Dartcom USB interface drivers and associated ingest subsystems have been completely redeveloped and are now compatible with 64-bit versions of Windows (as well as 32-bit). Reed-Solomon decoding is now performed in its own separate layer, ensuring continuous, reliable ingest even during noisy data requiring significant error correction. The Dartcom USB LRIT Receiver housekeeping procedure is now performed at 00:01 instead of 00:00 so as not to clash with log file archiving. Many other minor changes and bug fixes. VERSION 2.10c Support has been added for the Quorum LRD-200B receiver. A problem with the "Calibration Editor" window following import and export has been fixed so it now correctly reports the planes imported or exported. MET7 image products received from the MSG3 LRIT direct broadcast service will now be navigated correctly. They have a known error in the navigation header which also affects the same products on the MSG2 LRIT direct broadcast service. Various other minor changes and bug fixes. VERSION 2.9k The drivers for the Dartcom USB LRIT and HRIT receivers have been updated to support firmware changes designed to improve tolerance of noisy or weak satellite signals. The GeoTIFF output was not archiving files even if archiving was switched on. This has been fixed. Various other minor changes and bug fixes. VERSION 2.9b The frame synchroniser has been completely rewritten to improve its tolerance of noisy or weak satellite signals, resulting in fewer missing/corrupted lines or segments, faster resynchronisation following bursts of noise and reduced processor usage overall. A problem where only the first segment of each product was shown on archived previews has been fixed. The ATL_LATEST NWS product transmitted on GOES LRIT is now inverted so it has the correct black/white sense. The figures in the top section of the "Reception Status" window are now logged at the end of each day if the "Log Activity" option is switched on in the "Diagnostics" window. The online help is now fully up-to-date. The drivers for Dartcom USB LRIT and HRIT receivers and interfaces have been updated to provide support for the forthcoming GOES-R HRIT service. Various other minor changes and bug fixes. VERSION 2.8t The list of outputs for each ingester is now sorted differently, with the most commonly used ones at the top for convenience. PGM outputs can now be set up for Electro LRIT and HRIT data. HSAF products transmitted on EUMETCAST SAF are now recognised. A problem with GOES LRIT NWS products produced by the iDAP image output being completely black has been fixed. The images must be opened in at least version 8.6d of iDAP for the read-outs to be correct. A problem with the overlays not being available in the Overlay Settings window the first time it is used has been fixed. A small error in the headers produced by the ERDAS exporter has been fixed - the pixel resolution was in kilometres instead of metres. Various other minor changes and bug fixes. VERSION 2.7f Support has been added for MTSAT images transmitted on the GOES LRIT service. Various other minor changes and bug fixes. VERSION 2.7b Single plane images created by the iDAP image output now have the full 256 greyscales. Previously they were quantized to 128 greyscales because the other 128 colours in the palette were reserved for the Processing > Formula palette function in iDAP. However this has been rewritten to remove that requirement. Various other minor changes and bug fixes. VERSION 2.6d: Ingesters have been added for the encrypted direct broadcast LRIT and HRIT services available from the Korean COMS-1 satellite. A new iDAP Chart output has been added to provide a way of displaying static, unnavigated, uncalibrated image data products. Currently these are only available from the COMS LRIT service. An option has been added to the Raw File output for automatically detecting the type of data in the file and appending an appropriate extension to the file name. Currently GRIB, BUFR, HDF5, JPEG and PNG data is supported. Settings related to data decryption (if appropriate) have now been moved into a separate window accessed using the "Decryption settings..." button in the "Decryption & decompression" tab. Unused ingesters can now be hidden using the "Ingesters..." button at the bottom of the main window. Numerous other minor changes and bug fixes. Recompiled using Microsoft Visual Studio 2010. VERSION 2.5i: PCI Geomatica, ERDAS IMAGINE, ENVI/IDL and GeoTIFF outputs have been added to all LRIT and HRIT ingesters. Licence keys are required to use them - please contact Dartcom for more details. Support has been added for the new synthesised version of the Dartcom LRIT receiver (SYN model). This includes a "Calibration..." button in the "Reception" tab of L-band ingesters to allow synthesised receivers to be calibrated and tested. Access to the calibration facility requires "Advanced" or "Engineer" access (see below). Access level buttons have been added at the bottom of the main window similar to the Dartcom Polar Orbiter Ingester software. "Advanced" and "Engineer" access levels require password entry. The passwords are given in the Second Line Maintenance manual. Currently only the "Calibration..." button in the "Reception" tab is affected by the access level. The default path and archiving settings can now be selected for outputs that produce a file. This ensures changes to the defaults affect all outputs instead of having to change each output individually. The drivers for Dartcom USB LRIT and HRIT receivers and interfaces have been updated to provide support for the new synthesised version of the Dartcom LRIT receiver and resolve occasional problems with data buffer overflows on Windows 7. Should a data buffer overflow occur in the USB driver the software will now attempt to recover by resetting the USB interface and reprogramming the receiver. Potential issues with outputs being produced more than once have been fixed. Numerous other minor changes and bug fixes. VERSION 2.4n: All SAF files available from EUMETCast at the time of release are now processed by the EUMETCast SAF ingester. Map overlays with dotted or dashed lines are now drawn correctly. The mouse scroll wheel can now be used to scroll image previews. Windows XP users should check they have installed Service Pack 3 (SP3) as resource leaks in SP2 can cause problems when running software for long periods of time. Other minor changes and bug fixes. VERSION 2.4e: Since version 2.4c some outputs were being produced more than once causing higher than normal system loads and failure to keep up with the incoming data. This has been fixed. Other minor changes and bug fixes. VERSION 2.4c: EMWIN data received via GOES LRIT can now be output to third-party software or devices via serial or TCP/IP. EMWIN file naming scheme adjusted to ensure every file is guaranteed to have a unique name. New products available on MTSAT LRIT are now supported. Other minor changes and bug fixes. VERSION 2.3b: Binary files (e.g. GRIB and BUFR data) received via EUMETCast LRIT and MSG LRIT can now be output for further processing in third-party software. Other minor changes and bug fixes. VERSION 2.2m: Fixed problems with changing between MSG, MTSAT and GOES modes with the Dartcom LRIT receiver in situations where the receiver had not locked on to a signal. VERSION 2.2k: Fixed a resource leak which could result in the software crashing after an extended period of continuous running. VERSION 2.2j: Minor changes and bug fixes. VERSION 2.2h: Minor changes and bug fixes. VERSION 2.2f: Now fully compatible with Windows Vista. The user interface now includes full support for Windows Themes. New products available on GOES LRIT are now supported. Major and minor grid lines are now supported in the overlay settings window, plus different line styles and widths. VERSION 2.1p: Several minor changes made. VERSION 2.1m: Microsoft Visual C++ libraries updated to latest versions. Numerous small changes made and bugs fixed. VERSION 2.1i: The performance of the output layers of all ingesters has been further improved. Problems with HRIT files showing as LRIT have been fixed. Numerous other small changes have been made. VERSION 2.1d: Support added for MSG LRIT direct broadcast reception. The performance of the output layers of all ingesters has been improved. GOES, MTSAT and MET7 images from EUMETCast or MSG direct broadcast services are now calibrated where possible. VERSION 2.0e: SMTP authentication support added for e-mail alarms and outputs. Image outputs are now triggered when all segments have been received regardless of the transmission order. Previously they were triggered when the last segment was received, but GOES LRIT image segments were occasionally being transmitted out of order causing outputs to be generated with missing segments. If an image segment is not received for any reason, the image will be output when a segment of the next repeat cycle is received. Crashing problems with corrupt image files or under full disk conditions have been fixed. VERSION 2.0c: Support added for EUMETCast SAF products ("S-...") which can be automatically decompressed and archived. iDAP outputs may be provided in a future version if there is sufficient customer demand. Support added for the EUMETCast HRIT SEVIRI daily log file ("E-UNS_-MSG1__-H_SEVIRI____-DAILY_LOG-..."). It is handled by the EUMETCast HRIT ingester and displayed in the Alpha-numeric text branch of the latest data tree. "No data" alarms can now be supressed per ingester using the check-box at the bottom of the "File acquisition" tab. The names of decompressed files received from EUMETCast were not being adjusted to remove the compression indicator ("C"). This has been fixed. VERSION 1.9k: MSG2 (Meteosat 9) and GOES11 images received from the EUMETCast service now display the correct satellite name in iDAP. Map overlays are now much more detailed. The graphics library has been updated to improve performance, reliability and stability. VERSION 1.8z: MTSAT LRIT polar-stereographic visible images are now correctly handled as having 6-bit data resolution. VERSION 1.8y: Support added for MTSAT LRIT and HRIT reception. An "Ingest data" check-box has been added in the Reception tab for GOES and MTSAT ingesters. If switched off, data will not be ingested from the receiver. For normal operation this check-box should be switched on. A "Look for files" check-box has been added to the File acquisition tab for all ingesters. If switched on, the specified path will be watched for new files, and any found will be processed and deleted. It cannot be switched off for DVB ingesters (e.g. EUMETCast). To preserve their layout, alpha-numeric text product previews are now shown in a monospaced font without soft line wrapping. Numerous small changes made to improve reliability and stability for all ingesters. VERSION 1.7b: Revised support for changes to EUMETCast service (see notes for version 1.7a) due to non-standard data format used for MET5 and MET7 images and changeover later than published (1200 GMT instead of 0900). VERSION 1.7a: Support added for changes to EUMETCast file naming and headers scheduled for 25th October 2005 at 0900 GMT. If you have any outputs set up for MET5 or MET7 images you will need to change their associated product names to accommodate EUMETSAT's new file naming conventions. See the following URL for more details: http://www.eumetsat.int//idcplg?IdcService=GET_FILE&dDocName=pdf_nws_051940_eumetcast-0510&RevisionSelectionMethod=LatestReleased Rebuilt with revised compiler optimization settings to resolve potential problems experienced in other programs. VERSION 1.6w: Support added for EUMETCast MTSAT images (data type and wavelength now recognised). EUMETCast HRV images are now sized correctly at all times of day (previously late afternoon and evening images were much too wide). GOES9 images are now sized correctly (previously they were stretched vertically). GOES LRIT EMWIN data files are now recognised. Various other minor changes and improvements made. VERSION 1.6u: Spurious "no data" alarms after starting or resuming an ingester have been fixed. The Reception layer would stop responding for a long time if the MetCom receiver was selected but not connected or the control port was not selected. This has been fixed. VERSION 1.6t: Random crashing during GOES LRIT reception has been fixed. A "Clear file types" button has been added in the "File acquisition" tab to allow the list of file types to be cleared and rebuilt as new data is received. Some temporary files left over after a power failure or system crash were still not being cleaned up when the software was started up again. Fixed. VERSION 1.6k: Unnecessary decompression errors would sometimes occur during GOES LRIT reception. Fixed, though they can still occur if data errors are present. On some GOES LRIT image data previews there were lines missing between segments. Fixed. VERSION 1.6i: GOES LRIT visible images output to iDAP format did not show raw value read-outs in iDAP. Fixed. VERSION 1.6h: Support has been added for GOES LRIT reception and new USB LRIT receivers. An alarms window has been added. Alarms can be cleared manually or automatically after set period of time, configurable in the Diagnostics window. A system tray icon has been added which shows alarms as balloon messages if the application window is minimised. An alarm is now generated if data has not been received for a set period of time, configurable in the Diagnostics window. The position and size of the selected area for image data outputs can now be entered manually if required. A "date and time" file naming option has been added for image data outputs. Use it with care - if switched on, all files will have a unique name and therefore old versions will not be overwritten! If switched on, you must have some means of automatically deleting old files, such as a script or other program. The image data output "rubber band" selection boxes have been improved to make them more visible on certain images. Various minor bugs have also been fixed. VERSION 1.4u: The PGM file output module was logging errors even if output was successful - fixed. Errors were also being logged when text previews were being archived even if successful - fixed too. Some users had reported occasional unexplained archiving errors. A likely cause was identified (temporary file name clash between ingesters) and a solution implemented (names now include more randomly-generated characters). The "Output data" check-box in the "Output" tab had no effect - outputs were always enabled. This has been fixed. Problems with map overlays not being created on some systems should now be fixed. VERSION 1.4s: The enhancement algorithm has been improved to show more cloud detail. Two new profiles have also been added - Sine (usually gives better results than Min-max) and Cosine (shows maximum cloud detail at the expense of land). Temporary files left over after a power failure or system crash are now cleaned up when the software is started up. In the Output tab, you can now edit an output by double-clicking on it. The software no longer attempts to create previews of MSG LRIT CLM products (previously it was reporting failures in the log file). If the map overlays path was changed in the Output tab, this wasn't reflected when editing iDAP image outputs. This has been fixed. Occasionally the software was reporting that it could not communicate with the security device when starting up. This has hopefully been fixed now. An "initialising" window is now displayed when the software is starting up. VERSION 1.4k: iDAP image and PGM file outputs with "Specify file name manually" selected did not output any files. This has been fixed. VERSION 1.4i: You can now specify multiple "to" addresses for e-mail alarms and outputs - separate them with commas. Full on-line help is now available. However, due to a "feature" of Windows (see http://support.microsoft.com/default.aspx?scid=kb;en-us;135787 for details) we've had to the remove the "?" button in the title bar of the XRIT Ingester main window. Instead, click and hold the item you want help with and press F1, or click the "Help..." button to display the contents page. The "?" button is available for all other windows as normal. A problem which may have prevented e-mail alarms and outputs from working with some SMTP servers has been fixed. VERSION 1.4f: The default data path has been changed again to "C:\Dartcom\Data\XRIT". This only applies the first time you run XRIT Ingester after installing it - existing users will not be affected. The default output path has been changed to "C:\Dartcom\Images". Again, this only applies the first time you run XRIT Ingester after installing it - existing users will not be affected. VERSION 1.4e: Sluggish starting/stopping/pausing/resuming under heavy processor loads has been fixed. In the "Decryption and decompression" tab, switching off "By date" or "By time" would have no effect on the archiving behaviour, and these options would be switched on again next time the program was started. This has been fixed. If "By factor" was selected in the "iDAP image output settings" or "PGM file output settings" windows, the resulting size readouts were not updated when an area was selected. This has been fixed. The default data path has been changed to "C:\XRIT data" instead of "C:\Data". This only applies the first time you run XRIT Ingester after installing it - existing users will not be affected. VERSION 1.4a: The status displays would occasionally stop updating. This has been fixed. The map overlays that are created for iDAP images can now be changed by clicking the "Map overlays" button in the "Options" area of the "iDAP image output settings" window. Each output can have different overlays if desired. The default settings for new iDAP image and PGM file outputs can now be changed by selecting "iDAP image" or "PGM file" in the "Output" tab for each ingester, then clicking the "Settings..." button. VERSION 1.3a: PGM file output has been added - see the software user guide or on-line help for details. Each output can now be given a name of your choice (such as "Whole earth multi-plane" or "Europe", for example). You can enter it in the "Name" box in each of the output settings windows. Changing the Service or Data type in the E-mail output settings window may have caused XRIT Ingester to crash. This has been fixed. VERSION 1.2m: The iDAP image output settings window now shows the resulting image size if "by factor" is selected, or the resulting sub-sample factor if "to size" is selected. The controls have been re-arranged to accommodate this. Selection between "by factor" and "to size" is now achieved using a drop-down list instead of radio buttons. The "include date and time in file name" option in the iDAP image output settings window has been removed. The MTP MET5 and MET7 navigation has been adjusted to improve alignment of products and overlays in iDAP images. Selected areas of MSG1 GOES9, GOES10 and GOES12 images are now produced correctly by iDAP image outputs. Previously, a different area to that selected was produced. --- NO HISTORY AVAILABLE FOR VERSIONS BEFORE 1.2m ---